Lord of the Rings Will Durin Rise Again

Underground complex in Middle-earth

J. R. R. Tolkien 'southward legendarium location
Emblema Durin.svg

Durin's emblem, equally on Moria's W-gate

Type Greatest city of Dwarves[T ane]
subterranean realm, labyrinth
Ruler Kings of Durin'south Folk (to T.A. 1981); Durin's Bane, Azog; Balin; Durin Seven
Other name(s) Khazad-dûm
Location key Misty Mountains
Lifespan Years of the Trees[T 1] – T.A. 1981; Fourth Age
Founder Durin

In the fiction of J. R. R. Tolkien, Moria, also named Khazad-dûm, is an ancient subterranean complex in Middle-earth, comprising a vast labyrinthine network of tunnels, chambers, mines and halls under the Misty Mountains, with doors on both the western and the eastern sides of the mount range. Moria is introduced in Tolkien'due south novel The Hobbit, and is a major scene of action in The Lord of the Rings.

In much of Middle-world's fictional history, Moria was the greatest city of the Dwarves. The urban center'southward wealth was founded on its mines, which produced mithril, a fictional metal of great beauty and forcefulness, suitable for armour. The Dwarves dug as well deep, greedy for mithril, and disturbed a demon of great ability: a Balrog, which destroyed their kingdom. By the cease of the Tertiary Age, Moria had long been abandoned by the Dwarves, and was a place of evil repute. It was dark, in unsafe disrepair, and in its labyrinths lurked Orcs and the Balrog.

Scholars have identified likely sources for Tolkien'due south Moria: he had studied a Latin inscription virtually a lost band at the temple of Nodens in Gloucestershire, at a place called Dwarf's Hill full of sometime mine-workings. The proper name Moria, Tolkien wrote, echoed the proper noun of a castle in a Norwegian folktale, while Gandalf'due south death and reappearance reminded critics of the resurrection and transfiguration of Jesus. The West Gate that the Watcher in the Water crashes closed behind the Fellowship recalled to commentators the Wandering Rocks of Greek mythology, and Odysseus's passage between the devouring Scylla and the whirlpool Charybdis. Finally, the Fellowship's entry into the darkness via the deadly lake by the Westward Gate, and its get out into the light via the beautiful Mirrormere, alongside Gandalf's death and reappearance, has been compared to a baptism, a ceremony that combines a symbolic death and the gift of new life.

Moria provided dramatic scenes in Peter Jackson'southward film The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, inspired by Alan Lee'south illustrations. Its multiple levels of tunnels and halls have served, as well, every bit the footing for a variety of computer and lath games.

Names [edit]

The name "Moria" means "the Blackness Chasm" or "the Blackness Pit", from Sindarin mor, "dark, black" and , "void, completeness".[T 2] The element mor had the sense "sinister, evil", especially past association with infamous names such as Morgoth and Mordor; indeed Moria itself had an evil reputation past the times in which The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings are set. The name Moria had (inside the fiction) originally applied only to the Blackness Chasm itself. However, later the Dwarves were forced to abandon Khazad-dûm, its many lamps went out, and the whole subterranean complex became night. Tolkien borrowed the proper name Moria itself, but not its meaning, from a book he had read.[T 2] [1]

Khazad-dûm is the proper name of the fabulous city-kingdom of the Dwarves, especially in a historical or cornball context. In the fictional history, Khazad-dûm was Moria'due south original name, given by the Dwarves in their own language, Khuzdul. Information technology is rendered (in "translated Westron") equally the Dwarrowdelf, an archaic form of what would be the Dwarves' delving in more modern English. Tolkien rhymes dûm with "tomb".[T 3]

Tolkien'southward account [edit]

Geography [edit]

Mist on the Alps: Tolkien's experiences on his 1911 visit gave him the idea for difficulties crossing the Misty Mountains.[T four]

Moria was originally a organization of natural caves located in Dimrill Dale, a valley on the eastern side of the Misty Mountains. The appearance of the Misty Mountains, and some of the experiences of Tolkien'due south protagonists, were inspired past his travels in the Swiss Alps in 1911.[T iv]

The caves led to the Blackness Chasm, a subterranean completeness, some fifty anxiety wide and of indeterminate depth, which was crossed only by Durin's Bridge, "a slender bridge of stone, without kerb or runway".[T iii] It forced any grouping wishing to cross to go in unmarried file, limiting the ability of any attack.[T five]

Moria lay on the western edge of the Eye-earth region of Wilderland. The Mountains of Moria, three of the Misty Mountains' about massive peaks, surrounded Dimrill Dale: Silvertine on the west, Redhorn on the north, and Cloudyhead on the east – in Sindarin respectively Celebdil, Caradhras and Fanuidhol. Their Khuzdûl names, respectively Zirakzigil, Barazinbar and Bundushathûr, are mentioned by Gimli, as the Fellowship nears Moria. The caves of Moria, where the Dwarf city-kingdom of Khazad-dûm was founded, were situated under Silvertine; their mouth disregarded Dimrill Dale, which contained many waterfalls and a long, oval lake that reflected stars even in daylight. Perceiving these stars every bit a crown glittering above his head, Durin took this as an auspicious sign, named the lake Kheled-zâram, the Mirrormere, and chose the due east-facing caves higher up it for his new stronghold.[T 6]

Geology [edit]

The Dwarves excavated most of Khazad-dûm out of solid rock, leaving polished walls.[T 3] Minerals included golden, gems and fe ore. However the principal mineral was mithril, a fabulously precious and versatile metallic found nowhere else in Heart-world. It was the source of Khazad-dûm'due south huge wealth, but ultimately its mining was the crusade of its downfall. Offset nether the Silvertine, the Dwarves mined ever deeper, and down towards the roots of Mountain Caradhras. There they unearthed the Balrog, which drove the Dwarves into exile.[T 3]

Far below even the deepest mines of the Dwarves lay a primordial underworld of tunnels, streams and lakes in perpetual darkness, inhabited by primitive creatures. The tunnels were "gnawed by nameless things" from the beginnings of Arda,[T 7] and, equally Gandalf suggested, from this underworld the Watcher in the Water may have emerged.[T three]

History [edit]

Moria was founded by Durin at the end of the Ages of the Stars. During his reign, the precious metal mithril was discovered in the mines, and some of the major structures of Moria were built: Durin's Span, the 2nd Hall, the Endless Stair and Durin's Tower. Durin died before the terminate of the Commencement Age. He was buried in the regal tombs of Khazad-dûm.[T 3] [T viii] Orcs constantly attacked the dwarf kingdom; men and dwarves fought together against the orcs.[T 9] The dwarves became friendly with the Elves of Eregion to the west; the Elves assisted in developing Khazad-dûm's mansions, making information technology "far more beautiful" as it grew westwards through tunnels to the West Gate,[T x] which opened on to Eregion. Celebrimbor, the Lord of Eregion, used ithildin lettering on this gate on behalf of its builder, his friend the dwarf smith Narvi.[T three]

In the Second Age, Rings of Power were fabricated by elves in Eregion. Durin Iii, the King of Khazad-dûm at the time, obtained one of the rings; another was Nenya, made from Moria'south mithril; it became Galadriel's ring. When the elves discovered that Sauron, the Dark Lord had made the 1 Ring, giving him control of all the other rings, the State of war of the Elves and Sauron bankrupt out.[T eleven] Sauron conquered Eregion, only Khazad-dûm'south intervention enabled Elves including Elrond and Celeborn to escape Eregion's destruction and institute Rivendell.[T 12] Khazad-dûm was airtight, and its population dwindled. At the stop of the 2d Age, Khazad-dûm fought Sauron in the State of war of the Last Alliance, helping to defeat him.[T 13]

In the Third Historic period, the more than hands attainable seams of mithril were wearied, and the Dwarves dug deeper until they disturbed a Balrog, a powerful fire-demon. It killed King Durin VI, acquiring the name Durin'southward Bane, and so Náin I, his son. The Dwarves abandoned Khazad-dûm and fled into Wilderland.[T 8]

Orcs occupied Moria, while the Balrog haunted its depths. The Orc-chieftain Azog became the chief of Moria. Thrór, the heir of the Dwarf-kings of Khazad-dûm, attempted to enter his people'south ancestral home, and was killed past Azog. This started the War of the Dwarves and Orcs; Azog was beheaded by Dáin Ironfoot, but the victory was Pyrrhic, and the Dwarves did not dare face the Balrog.[T 8] Much later, Balin left Erebor to recolonize Moria, simply after five years his colony was destroyed by Orcs.[T 14]

Every bit the War of the Ring loomed, a messenger from Sauron offered Dáin the return of Moria and three Dwarf-Rings if he helped Sauron to discover the One Ring. Dáin refused, sending Glóin and his son Gimli to the Council of Elrond, starting the quest of the Fellowship of the Ring.[T fourteen]

The Fellowship reluctantly passed through Moria in winter, gambling that most of its Orcs had been killed in the Boxing of 5 Armies. They were attacked by the monstrous Watcher in the H2o every bit they entered the West-gate, and faced further perils in the subterranean passages. They reached the Chamber of Mazarbul, the ancient repository of documents holding Balin's tomb and his colony's chronicle, the Book of Mazarbul.[T 3] They were attacked at that place by a Troll and many Orcs, before existence approached by the Balrog. Gandalf confronted the Balrog on Durin's Span. The two duelled briefly before plunging together into the chasm, allowing the balance of the Fellowship to escape to the Eastern Gates.[T v]

Unknown to the Fellowship, Gandalf climbed to the top of Mountain Celebdil and continued to fight the Balrog for two days in the Battle of the Superlative; both died, just Gandalf returned to Eye-earth equally Gandalf the White.[T 7]

Khazad-dûm lay empty. Some centuries into the Fourth Age, the auspiciously-named Durin VII, a descendant of Dáin Ironfoot, succeeded as the King of the Longbeards and heir of the Kings of Khazad-dûm.[T fifteen] He led his people back to Khazad-dûm, where they remained "until the world grew old and the Dwarves failed and the days of Durin'south race were ended".[T 16]

Architecture [edit]

The metropolis of Khazad-dûm had many levels, linked by flights of stone steps. In that location were at least six levels above the Corking Gates, and many more than levels —or Deeps— beneath it. Every level consisted of a network of arched passages, chambers and many-pillared halls, often with "black walls, polished and smoothen equally drinking glass".[T iii] Beneath the level of the Gates lay treasuries, armouries, dungeons, and mines. The Endless Stair of many thousands of steps rose in an unbroken spiral from the lowest dungeon of Moria to Durin'south Belfry at the top of Celebdil; it was destroyed in the boxing between Gandalf and the balrog, Durin's Bane.[T 7]

During the kingdom of Khazad-dûm, the subterranean realm was "full of light and splendour", illuminated by many "shining lamps of crystal".[T iii] The higher levels had skylights carved through the mountain-side which provided daylight. The East-gate or the Dimrill Gate was the main archway, looking over Dimrill Dale.[T 3] Information technology opened into the First Hall of Moria. The West-gate enabled travellers to pass right through the Misty Mountains, thus providing a weather-free alternative to the notorious and arduous Redhorn Pass, 15–20 miles to the n. The J. R. R. Tolkien Encyclopedia notes that Centre-globe gates are important both symbolically and practically: "They mark exclusion or admission. They examination grapheme and wisdom. They suggest mystery, secrecy, and privilege."[2]

Doors of Durin [edit]

Gateway to Hell: the Fellowship's passage through the West-gate has been compared to Odysseus'southward passage betwixt the devouring Scylla and the whirlpool Charybdis.[iii] Painting by Ary Renan, 1894

The Doors of Durin, too called the West-gate or the W-door, formed the western archway to Moria.[T 17]

When shut, the gates were invisible and incommunicable to open by concrete means. They were however decorated with designs engraved in ithildin made by the elf-Lord Celebrimbor of Eregion and the dwarf Narvi from mithril mined in Moria. The designs included the emblems of Durin, the two trees of the Loftier Elves, and the Star of the House of Fëanor. Tolkien's cartoon of the designs on the Doors of Durin was the only analogy in The Lord of the Rings during his lifetime (other than cover-art and calligraphy). In moonlight, a password fabricated the designs visible. The designs independent a 2nd password to open the doors. When the Fellowship entered, the Watcher in the Water, the aquatic guardian of the gates, slammed the doors shut with its tentacles, plunging the Fellowship into darkness; the scholar of English literature Charles A. Huttar compares this "clashing gate" to the Wandering Rocks that in Greek mythology prevarication near the opening of the underworld, Hades, and to Odysseus'south passage between the devouring Scylla and the whirlpool Charybdis.[3]

Origins [edit]

Nodens [edit]

Tolkien visited the temple of Nodens at a place called "Dwarf's Hill" and translated an inscription with a curse upon a ring. Information technology may have inspired his dwarves, mines, rings, and Celebrimbor "Silver-Hand", an Elven-smith who contributed to Moria's building.[4]

In 1928, a quaternary-century heathen mystery cult temple was excavated at Lydney Park, Gloucestershire.[five] Tolkien was asked to investigate a Latin inscription in that location: "For the god Nodens. Silvianus has lost a ring and has donated half [its worth] to Nodens. Among those who are called Senicianus do not allow health until he brings it to the temple of Nodens."[6] The Anglo-Saxon name for the place was Dwarf's Hill, and in 1932 Tolkien traced Nodens to the Irish gaelic hero Nuada Airgetlám, "Nuada of the Silver-Paw".[7] The Tolkien scholar Tom Shippey thought this "a pivotal influence" on Tolkien's Eye-earth, combining as it did a god-hero, a ring, dwarves, and a silver manus.[4] The J. R. R. Tolkien Encyclopedia notes too the "Hobbit-like advent of [Dwarf's Loma]'s mine-shaft holes", and that Tolkien was extremely interested in the hill's folklore on his stay at that place, citing Helen Armstrong'south comment that the identify may accept inspired Tolkien'southward "Celebrimbor and the fallen realms of Moria and Eregion".[4] [eight] The scholar of English literature John M. Bowers notes that the name of the Elven-smith Celebrimbor is the Sindarin for "Silver Hand", and that "Because the identify was known locally as Dwarf's Hill and honeycombed with abandoned mines, it naturally suggested itself as background for the Lonely Mountain and the Mines of Moria."[9]

Norwegian Folktales [edit]

Moria start appeared in Tolkien's 1937 novel The Hobbit. Tolkien after recalled that the proper noun was "a casual 'echo' of Soria Moria Castle in 1 of the Scandinavian tales translated by Dasent. ... I liked the sound-sequence; it alliterated with 'mines', and it connected itself with the MOR chemical element in my linguistic construction."[10] The tales translated past Dasent were from the 1852 collection Norwegian Folktales.[11]

A celebrated source is the Poetic Edda, with which Tolkien was familiar; the protagonist in the Skírnismál notes that his quest will involve misty mountains, orcs, and giants.[12]

Analysis [edit]

The critic Jane Chance observes that the fall of the dwarves, first those of Durin, then those of Balin, is brought nearly through forehandedness, their greed for Moria's deeply-buried mithril. She identifies this every bit "their internal vice",[14] which the Balrog "monstrously projects".[xiv] Risk notes further that Balin meets his expiry at the lake Mirrormere, "a very dark mirror in which he is blind to himself."[fourteen]

The critic Clive Tolley notes that the contest betwixt the wizard Gandalf and the evil Balrog on Durin's bridge somewhat recalls a shamanistic contest, merely that a far closer parallel is medieval vision literature, giving the case of St Patrick'due south Purgatory, and fifty-fifty Dante's Divine One-act.[15]

Critics such as Chance and Jerram Barrs have recognised the death of Gandalf the Grey (at the easily of the Balrog), and his reappearance every bit Gandalf the White, every bit a transfiguration,[16] the alter in color hinting at "a parallel with Christ's own expiry and resurrection".[13] [17] [18]

The professor of English literature Sue Zlosnik notes that the fantasy world in Tolkien's invented mythology for England[19] is synthetic with elaborate detail. She cites Humphrey Carpenter's biographical account of Tolkien'south "painstaking crafting" of The Book of Mazarbul that appears in Moria, complete with "burnt and tattered" pages, and Tolkien's disappointed wish for a facsimile of this artefact to appear in the outset edition of Fellowship of the Ring. In Zlosnik's view, this sort of particular recalls Horace Walpole'south honey of the "Gothic".[19]

Erin Derwin, writing on The Bamboozlement, compares the fellowship's time in Moria with Siegfried Sassoon's First World War poem "The Rear-Guard", in which he describes "groping forth the tunnel" in a labyrinth of nighttime trenches, with "muttering creatures underground", recalling, Derwin suggests, the enkindling of the Orcs and the Balrog past the hobbit Pippin.[20]

Matthew Dickerson, writing in The J. R. R. Tolkien Encyclopedia, suggests that of all the caves, barrows, tunnels and underground kingdoms in Tolkien'south writings, Moria is "the nigh meaning".[21] He writes that these night places, dwelling to many of the major events in the stories, from the Paths of the Expressionless to Gollum's various tunnels and the Glittering Caves of Aglarond serve as symbols of darkness and death, the Tomb, or of fertility and new life, the Womb. Moria, he argues, citing Hugh Keenan'due south description of the two contrasting lakes at the Fellowship's entrance and exit from Moria, and giving the example of Gandalf's death and rebirth, functions as both Womb and Tomb. In Christianity, he notes, Baptism is at once a symbolic decease and the souvenir of new life.[21] [22]

Matt Dickerson'south analysis of Moria's symbolism[21]
"Tomb" "Womb"
Gandalf falls to his death in the Black Chasm Gandalf is reborn as "the White"
Entrance lake:
Monstrous Watcher in the Water offers decease
Leave lake:
Beautiful Mirrormere (Kheled-Zaram) offers life

Tolkien was asked whether the name Moria meant the biblical mountains of Moriah, where Abraham was to sacrifice his son, Isaac. Tolkien wrote that his mind did non piece of work that way, explaining that Moria meant "Black Chasm" in Sindarin, the root Mor occurring in Mordor, Morgoth, Morgul. He went on "As for the 'land of Morīah' (annotation stress): that has no connectedness (even 'externally') whatsoever."[23]

Adaptations [edit]

Pic [edit]

Jackson's depiction of the undercover halls of Moria was largely inspired by Alan Lee's illustration.[24]

Peter Jackson's portrayal of Moria in his The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring movie was more often than not inspired by Alan Lee'south illustrations.[25] [24] Lee worked as the projection'southward conceptual artist in New Zealand throughout the making of the film trilogy.[26] Moria was modelled for the picture show at 1/12 scale.[25] [24]

In The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journeying the battle between the dwarves and Azog is shown, although Azog fights Thorin Oakenshield instead of Dáin and only loses his left manus.

Games [edit]

The roguelike computer game Moria was modelled on The Lord of the Rings events. The goal in the game is to reach the bottom of a maze-like simulation of the Mines of Moria and kill a Balrog.[27]

Moria is featured in board games such every bit Reiner Knizia's Lord of the Rings.[28]

The first expansion pack of the MMORPG The Lord of the Rings Online named Mines of Moria takes identify about entirely in Moria, which has several levels. The uppermost is the path of Durin'southward Way, which pierces the mountain to accomplish the cliffs of Zirak-Zigil. The main levels of Moria bridge from the Doors of Durin to Dolven-View, Zelem-Melek, Nud-Melek and the East doors, known every bit the Start Hall. Further down in the subterranean realm are the Silvertine Lodes and the Redhorn Lodes, and the furthest depths contain the submerged Water-Works, the fiery Flaming Deeps, and the Foundations of Stone, where Gandalf and the Balrog fought before ascending the Countless Stair.[29] [thirty]

Music [edit]

The Dutch composer Johan de Meij wrote a move in his Symphony No. 1 "The Lord of the Rings" called "Journeying in the Dark", that was directly inspired by Moria. The movement is carve up into 2 sections, "The Mines of Moria" and "The Bridge of Khazad-dûm", and it depicts the events that take place there in The Fellowship of the Band (novel).[31]

References [edit]

Principal [edit]

This list identifies each particular's location in Tolkien's writings.
  1. ^ a b Tolkien, J. R. R. (1977), Christopher Tolkien (ed.), The Silmarillion, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, ISBN978-0-395-25730-2
  2. ^ a b J. R. R. Tolkien (1981), The Messages of J. R. R. Tolkien, George Allen & Unwin, letter no. 297 (August 1967) pp. 382-384; ISBN 0-04-826005-three
  3. ^ a b c d e f chiliad h i j k The Fellowship of the Band 2002, book ii, ch. 4 "A Journey in the Dark"
  4. ^ a b Humphrey Carpenter (1981, editor), Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien, George Allen & Unwin, letter #306, p. 391–392, ISBN 0-04-826005-three.
  5. ^ a b The Fellowship of the Ring 2002, volume two, ch. 5 "The Bridge of Khazad-dûm"
  6. ^ The Fellowship of the Band 2002, book 2, ch. six "Lothlórien"
  7. ^ a b c 2 Towers, book 3, ch. 5 "The White Rider"
  8. ^ a b c The Render of the King, Appendix A: III "Durin's Folk"
  9. ^ J. R. R. Tolkien (1996), The Peoples of Center-earth, Houghton Mifflin, part 2 ch. X p. 302; ISBN 0-395-82760-4
  10. ^ J. R. R. Tolkien (1980), Unfinished Tales, George Allen & Unwin, role 2 ch. Four 'Concerning Galadriel and Celeborn' p. 236; ISBN 0-04-823179-7
  11. ^ J. R. R. Tolkien (1996), The Peoples of Middle-world, Houghton Mifflin, part two ch. X p. 305; ISBN 0-395-82760-4
  12. ^ J. R. R. Tolkien (1980), Unfinished Tales, George Allen & Unwin, role 2 ch. IV p. 238; ISBN 0-04-823179-vii
  13. ^ J. R. R. Tolkien (1977), The Silmarillion, George Allen & Unwin, 'Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age' p. 294; ISBN 0 04 823139 eight
  14. ^ a b The Fellowship of the Ring 2002, volume ii, ch. 2 "The Council of Elrond"
  15. ^ J. R. R. Tolkien (1996), The Peoples of Center-earth, Houghton Mifflin: "The Making of Appendix A", '(four) Durin's Folk', p. 279; ISBN 0-395-82760-4
  16. ^ J. R. R. Tolkien (1996), The Peoples of Eye-earth, Houghton Mifflin: "The Making of Appendix A", '(iv) Durin'south Folk', p. 278; ISBN 0-395-82760-four.
  17. ^ The Fellowship of the Ring, book 2, ch. 4 "A Journey in the Dark"

Secondary [edit]

  1. ^ Wayne 1000. Hammond & Christina Scull (2005), The Lord of the Rings: A Reader'south Companion, Harper Collins, p. 224 "Moria" ISBN 0 00 720308 X
  2. ^ Stanton, Michael North. (2013) [2007]. Drout, Michael D. C. (ed.). Doors and Gates. The J. R. R. Tolkien Encyclopedia: Scholarship and Critical Assessment. Taylor & Francis. p. 127. ISBN978-0-415-86511-ane.
  3. ^ a b Huttar, Charles A. (1975). Lobdell, Jared (ed.). Hell and the City: Tolkien and the Traditions of Western Literature. A Tolkien Compass. Open up Court. pp. 121–122. ISBN978-0875483030. Clearly Charybdis is yet another road to hell.
  4. ^ a b c Acrimony, Don Northward. (2013) [2007]. "Report on the Excavation of the Prehistoric, Roman and Post-Roman Site in Lydney Park, Gloucestershire". In Drout, Michael D. C. (ed.). The J. R. R. Tolkien Encyclopedia: Scholarship and Critical Assessment. Routledge. pp. 563–564. ISBN978-0-415-86511-1.
  5. ^ Shippey, Tom (2005) [1982]. The Road to Heart-Globe (Third ed.). Grafton (HarperCollins). pp. 40–41. ISBN978-0261102750.
  6. ^ "RIB 306. Curse upon Senicianus". Roman Inscriptions of Uk. Retrieved 17 February 2020.
  7. ^ J. R. R. Tolkien, "The Proper noun Nodens", Appendix to "Study on the excavation of the prehistoric, Roman and mail service-Roman site in Lydney Park, Gloucestershire", Reports of the Inquiry Commission of the Gild of Antiquaries of London, 1932; also in Tolkien Studies: An Annual Scholarly Review, Vol. 4, 2007
  8. ^ Armstrong, Helen (May 1997). "And Have an Eye to That Dwarf". Amon Hen: The Bulletin of the Tolkien Guild (145): xiii–14.
  9. ^ Bowers, John 1000. (2019). Tolkien'south Lost Chaucer. Oxford University Printing. pp. 131–132. ISBN978-0-19-884267-5.
  10. ^ J. R. R. Tolkien (1981), The Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien, George Allen & Unwin, letter no. 297 (August 1967) p. 384; ISBN 0-04-826005-3
  11. ^ Wayne G. Hammond & Christina Scull (2005), The Lord of the Rings: A Reader'southward Companion, Harper Collins, p. 224 'Moria'; ISBN 0 00 720308 X
  12. ^ Tom Shippey (2005), The Route to Eye-globe, Houghton Mifflin, ch. three pp. 80-81, ISBN 0-618-25760-8.
  13. ^ a b Nitzsche, Jane Run a risk (1980) [1979]. Tolkien'due south Art. Papermac. p. 42. ISBN0-333-29034-eight.
  14. ^ a b c Nitzsche, Jane Run a risk (1980) [1979]. Tolkien's Art. Papermac. pp. 108–109. ISBN0-333-29034-8.
  15. ^ Tolley, Clive. "Erstwhile English language influence on The Lord of the Rings" (PDF). Pearson Education. p. 55. Retrieved x January 2020.
  16. ^ Barrs, Jerram (2013). Echoes of Eden: Reflections on Christianity, Literature, and the Arts. Crossway. p. 123. ISBN978-1-4335-3600-7.
  17. ^ Petty, Anne C. (2013) [2007]. "Allegory". In Drout, Michael D. C. (ed.). The J. R. R. Tolkien Encyclopedia: Scholarship and Disquisitional Assessment. Routledge. pp. vi–7. ISBN978-0-415-86511-1.
  18. ^ Maher, Michael W. (2003). Risk, Jane (ed.). "'A land without stain': medieval images of Mary and their utilise in the characterization of Galadriel". Tolkien the Medievalist. Routledge. p. 225.
  19. ^ a b Zlosnik, Sue (2006). Eaglestone, Robert (ed.). Gothic Echoes. Reading The Lord of the Rings: New Writings on Tolkien'south Classic. A&C Black. p. l. ISBN978-0-8264-8460-4.
  20. ^ Derwin, Erin (8 July 2014). "Earth War I and The Lord of the Rings: The Trenches of Moria". The Bamboozlement.
  21. ^ a b c d Dickerson, Matthew (2013) [2007]. "Moria". In Drout, Michael D. C. (ed.). The J. R. R. Tolkien Encyclopedia: Scholarship and Critical Assessment. Routledge. pp. 438–439. ISBN978-0-415-86511-1.
  22. ^ Keenan, Hugh (2000). Blossom, Harold (ed.). The Appeal of The Lord of the Rings: A Struggle for Life. J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings: Modern Disquisitional Interpretations. Chelsea Firm Publishers. pp. 3–5. ISBN978-one-349-38251-4.
  23. ^ Tolkien, J.R.R. Messages. Draft of a letter to a Mr. Rang. Letter #297, August 1967
  24. ^ a b c Russell, Gary (2002). The Lord of the Rings : the Art of The Fellowship of the Ring. London: HarperCollins. ISBN978-0-00-713563-9. OCLC 50329727.
  25. ^ a b Leotta, Alfio (2015). Peter Jackson. Bloomsbury Publishing. p. 176. ISBN978-one-62356-948-8.
  26. ^ Barnett, David One thousand. (3 September 2018). "Making fantasy reality: Alan Lee, the human who redrew Middle-globe". The Guardian.
  27. ^ Koeneke, Robert Alan (1983). "The Dungeons of Moria". Internet Archive.
  28. ^ Woodruff, Teeuwynn (2007). "Lord of the Rings". In Lowder, James (ed.). Hobby Games: The 100 Best. Green Ronin Publishing. pp. 183–187. ISBN978-i-932442-96-0.
  29. ^ Bree Royce (xix Dec 2016). "Turbine Spins Lord of the Rings Online and DDO Teams out to New Studio, Using Daybreak every bit Publisher". Massively Overpowered . Retrieved 20 Dec 2016.
  30. ^ Michael (26 February 2019). "Lord of the Rings Online Expansion to Include Minas Morgul and Shelob". MMOCourt . Retrieved 27 August 2019.
  31. ^ "Der Herr der Ringe, Johan de Meij - Sinfonie Nr.1". Archived from the original on 11 October 2014. Retrieved 21 October 2021.

Sources [edit]

  • Tolkien, J. R. R. (2002) [1954]. The Fellowship of the Band. HarperCollins. ISBN978-0007136599.
  • Tolkien, J. R. R. (2002) [1954]. The 2 Towers. HarperCollins. ISBN978-0007136568.
  • Tolkien, J. R. R. (2002) [1954]. The Return of the Rex. HarperCollins. ISBN978-0007136575.


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moria_(Middle-earth)

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