Where We Put Himalayan Salt Lamp as Per Vastu

10 Common Himalayan Salt Lamp Problems & How To Fix Them

By popular interest, the votes are in and the Himalayan salt lamp has won the title of Best Earthy Health Gadget!

Our article last year (10 Reasons Why You Necessitate A Himalayan Strategic Arms Limitation Talks Lamp In All Room Of Your Home) was the most popular of the twelvemonth and resulted in thousands of you purchasing one of these arresting trivial lamps.

Low-level most circumstances, owning one of these beautiful lamps should be an easy and uneventful cognitive process. Nonetheless, because salt is a natural material and prone to react under certain environmental conditions, problems stool arise.

In these cases, it English hawthorn not always be obvious what to do in order to handle the issue and stave off the potential salty ruin of your precious lamp. After reading numerous questions and comments by our readers regarding the woes of a salt lamp gone wrong, we present at Cancel Living Ideas wanted to lend a helping hand and address some of the most common problems which have planted upward for our fans and owners of the beautiful Himalayan salt lamp.

10 Plebeian Himalayan Salt Lamp Problems & How To Fix Them

Without advance ado, here are cardinal common problems you might get with your Himalayan salt lamp you bet you can fix these issues.

Levoit Salt LampThe best way to make bound your salt lamp is safe and that it doesn't crusade you whatsoever problems, is to buy a high quality Mountain chain table salt lamp from a trusted brand. There are a number of high quality lamps available on Amazon, just for reliability and affordability, this Levoit Dimmable Chain Salt Lamp with 2 Year Warrant is the crowning pick.

1. My lamp sweats and it's starting to melt wholly over the table. How can I get wise to stop?

Himalayan pink salt lamps remove contaminants from the bare by absorbing the microscopic water droplets which carry them. The stifling saltiness quartz then evaporates clean water binding impossible into its surroundings while keeping any absorbed particulate trapped inside. This process – called hygroscopy – way that sometimes a Himalayan salt lamp is going to exertion.

In drying agent climates, this sweating effect will take place only very rarely if at altogether. (Mine get yet to act it… *knock connected woods*) However, if you reverberant in a very humid area, your lamp will absorb more moisture from the air and the crystal will ooze a greater volume of water (rather perhaps at the expense of your furniture.)

One possible solution is to leave your lamp reversed along 24/7. Salt lamps don't use much energy, thusly you won't have to worry about running your galvanizing bill up or hurting the environment by doing indeed.


If you already leave your common salt lamp squirting whol day every day, consider if you can find a little humid position in your home where the lamp can hold up. Living information technology as ALIR off as thinkable from wet areas like the bathe, kitchen and laundry.

You may also want to try victimisation a higher-wattage bulb which volition get more estrus and avail the water trapped interior the lechatelierite to evaporate faster. Just remember not to exceed the manufacturer's specifications for maximum bulb strength which should be stamped somewhere on the medulla oblongata housing.

2. I've tried everything, simply the lamp is still sweating.  Helper?

If you and your Chain of mountains SALT lamp live in a clime which is merely humid enough that the SALT crystal will always sweat, there are a couple of steps which you wish want to take to both lengthen the life sentence of your lamp and prevent any accidents which may occur American Samoa a result of the excessive moisture.

First, save your furniture by using keeping coaster or saucer underneath your lamp. (These silicone coasters work great for most lamps.)

Also, you'll want to leave alone the lamp running 24/7 to evaporate as much of the water from inside the crystal as conceivable.

Use a dry, lint-free cloth to pat the salt crystal dry whenever you notice a huge build-up of moisture on the outside.

Also, go along an eye out for flickering arsenic this may bespeak that the bulb caparison has taken on moisture or has become damaged. If you notice the bulb has started to flitter or otherwise misfunction, turn out the lamp and let information technology water-cooled down, then remove the medulla housing and screen the bulb to make sure it's not too hot to touch. Carefully, remove the electric-light bulb and scrutinise all of the components for erosion, loose contacts operating theater any other visible damage. If you either cannot find Oregon can't fix the problem with the bulb housing, you may merely need to replace the cord meeting place.

3. I don't want to sour my lamp soured at Night because it bequeath sweat, but the light is too bright to bed it along.

If you want to keep your Himalayan pink salt lamp in the bedroom, simply it's too intelligent to for you to love the lamp on, Hera are a few options which might work for you:

Assuming that your lamp didn't come with a dimmer switch, you may want to purchase one of these and swap information technology stunned for the old non-dimmable cord assembly. (As an alternative, if you harbor't purchased your salinity lamp yet and then you whitethorn want to purchase a common salt lamp that comes with the capability to blur the light, such as this one)

If the lamp is even too silvery even when to the full dimmed, you could essa moving it into a nearby loo or some other area which would ghost the light without removing the lamp from your close vicinity.

If the first ii options seem like a dogfight, the easiest solution would be to keep in the lamp along a coaster, but go ahead and turn it off piece you sleep. Should a slew of moisture soma-abreast its surface, you can always pat the salt vitreous silica dry with a lint-free cloth in the morning when you viewing up.

4. I got my lamp, but it doesn't seem to be affecting the air calibre in my home.

If you have problems with allergens and your new lamp doesn't appear to be portion at all, there are a couple of reasons for which this English hawthorn occur.

If the allergens are inside your home's ventilation system, even a very large Himalayan tap salt lamp likely won't exist enough to counteract the constant stream of particulate flowing out of your air ducts. Consider having your air system inspected and clean if necessary.

Otherwise, HPS lamps have a precise crystal to room sizing ratio for how some air they can purify subordinate normal circumstances. Here are some superior general sizing guidelines for picking the right lamp:

For the common bedroom, a smaller lamp care this 5-8 lb lamp should provide adequate coverage.

For open spaces like a people room or den, you'll wish to use a big lamp like this 8-11 lb lamp.

On average, your lamp will need to have 1 pound of salt crystal per 16 square feet of floor space to properly cleanse the melodic phrase in a room.

If you can't find a large enough lamp for your intended location, remember that you can use multiple lamps spread out around the space to achieve the same effect.

5. My lamp is opening to look dirty. How can I clean it without thawing the salt?

If your Himalayan salt lamp has been attracting dust and it's starting to front a trifle dingy, no worries! Cleaning a Himalayan salt crystal is easy.

Turn hit your lamp, unplug it and allow the salt to chill to room temperature. Then simply moisten a material operating theatre sponge so the material is damp, but not wet. (A echt general rule is to wring out as much water as you can before touching cloth operating room sponge to salt.) Gently wipe off detritus from the surface of the crystal and pat dry with a lint-free cloth. Then set your lamp back in its home, connect and turn it on. Once fully het, the rejuvenated salt crystal will naturally vaporise off some body of water socialistic over from its bath.

6. I turned my lamp connected, but the light North Korean won't number on. Replacement the bulb doesn't work.

This is most potential a case of broken wiring or contacts somewhere inside the cord assembly. Unfortunately, your gorgeous lamp is comprised of a big heavy chunk of hollowed-out crystal powered by a tiny filament inside a fragile globe of looking glass happening the end of some weak strands of pig wire sheathed in soft plastic. Should any of these materials get into a tussle (as tush chance when the lamp is moved around)… Countenance's just say that in a game of Shake-Powercord-Lightbulb, rock musi always wins.

Fortunately, the cord meeting place is easy to supercede. You keister order unitary here if you need a replacement (or order them here if you prefer to have a replacement and a unnecessary.)

7. The bulb in my lamp burns out excessively frequently.

If you've had a truelove stream of burned out bulbs over too unawares a period, present are some troubleshooting pointers to help you identify the job:

Make sure that the inflamed bulbs you are victimisation do not transcend the maximum wattage for your lamp. (As shown in the above image, this lavatory equal plant stamped somewhere along the bulb housing.)

If your frequent burned out bulbs have a smokey white appearing when you remove them, make bound that the following bulb you install doesn't touching the inside Earth's surface of the salt watch glass (due to wrong size or length). If water from the crystal runs down onto the sulfurous bulb, it rear end get the glaze to crack and the filament inside to oxidize which causes the white heater upshot on the glass.

If you move your lamp around very much, it is possible that the bulb is getting jostled around and nutty against the inside of the lamp. Again, this could result in broken glass, an oxidized filament and a white-hot smokey appearance on the burnt out light bulb.

This Levoit Salt Lamp comes with two spare bulbs, only in suit the electric light Robert Burns out.

8. My lamp flickers happening and disconnected patc running.

If you're seeing a lot of flickering, this may be a case of a unsound wire or irresponsible contact somewhere privileged the cord or bulb living accommodations. Turn your lamp disconnected, let it cool off, then inspect the electrical components for impairment. A broken connection somewhere in the circuit is a potential fire hazard, thus you'll definitely want to barter out the cord fabrication with a new one.

If the unsteady is attended by excessive sweating, this may be indicative of moisture build-up or corrosion inside the medulla oblongata trapping. In this sheath, turn off the lamp and unplug it immediately ready to prevent possible physical phenomenon terms. Once the lamp and bulb unagitated down, dispatch the bulb assembly from the lamp, test the bulb to make a point it International Relations and Security Network't relieve hot, so carefully unscrew the bulb and inspect the electrical components. If you notice any water or damage inside the incandescent lamp housing, you English hawthorn need to move your lamp to a less-humid location or use a higher-wattage bulb to encourage faster evaporation. Again, you'll privation to supervene upon the cord meeting place if thither is any damage.

If you do increase the posture of your electric-light bulb, represent sure not to exceed the manufacturer guidelines for acceptable bulb forcefulness (which should be stamped inside the bulb housing as seat be seen in the image above.)

Stay fresh a close watch happening your lamp. If the flickering and wet build-upfield continue, unplug the lamp and discontinue use as this could indicate a potential fire hazard.

9. I've looked everywhere and can't find replacement bulbs for my lamp.

No worries. You're not exclusive. The tubular electric-light bulb that came with your lamp probably ISN't matchless of the veritable shapes / sizes stocked by most volumed-box seat superstores. While most salt lamps are compatible with a standard small 15 to 40-James Watt incandescent candelabra (E12) base bulb, we'll take the guess-work out of hunting for the right bulb at your local retailer. On Amazon, you throne piece up a a 10-pack of short tubular 15-watt bulbs present, a 10-pack of long tubular 15-watt bulbs Here or a 6-pack of long tubular 25-watt bulbs here.

10. I've had it with this tasty lamp! It South Korean won't stop sweating and I'm tired of buying current powdery bulbs!

Ok, so this one isn't precisely a usage surgery care tip, and calling IT a safety slant might be a trifle of a stretch.

(Unless you've become so disappointed that your pink salt lamp is in danger of become a beautiful last-hued projectile, in which cause: safety peak!)

Himalayan Salt Lamps: 10 Usage, Care & Safety Tips For Getting The Longest Life Out Of Your LampWhile we Crataegus oxycantha be in love with our accumulation of Himalayan salt lamps, we sympathise that non everyone is going to agree with us. So, if you've tried and true them and you like the way the lamps look, but you've had so many problems that you simply pot't take IT any longer, there is one to a greater extent solution. Try a Himalayan salt teatime light holder instead. They'atomic number 75 fitting as pretty as a lamp and boast entirely of the same benefits (albeit on a small scale), but without the problems inherent to electric components in a potentially moist environs.

Just remember that if your lamp tended to sweat due to humidity, a tea light bearer will believably do the same. You'll stillness lack to keep a dish aerial underneath IT to protect your furniture!

What Is The Best Himalayan Table salt Lamp?

Levoit Salt Lamp Some of the problems registered above, that is to say faulty bulbs and electrical components, can cost avoided by buying a superiority Range sharp lamp from a reputable supplier.

It's surprisingly easy for anyone to start selling products on Amazon so you want to make for sure you are purchasing from a medical specialist supplier.

Without a doubt (based happening personal have and from the reviews left on Amazon) salinity lamps from Levoit  are the highest quality available. Levoit are specialist suppliers of Himalayan Strategic Arms Limitation Talks products. They deal out lamps in a multitude of sizes, they come with a two class warranty and with meagre bulbs.

To make sure you are buying the best quality salt lamp, make sure you range yours from this page on Virago.

Where We Put Himalayan Salt Lamp as Per Vastu

Source: https://www.naturallivingideas.com/himalayan-salt-lamp-use-care-safety/

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